Achieving Customer Satisfaction For Brand | Shopzoni

Achieving Customer Satisfaction For Brand

By admin | Customer Service and Satisfaction

Jul 25

 Achieving Customer Satisfaction For Brand

A brand gets its customer even before selling product/service. Brand attracts consumer through publicity and goodwill. To keep customers loyal and regular, its required to satisfy them with equally great customer service. Hence, the goal of achieving customer satisfaction for brand is an important business tool. Shopzoni has created a Digital Platform to achieve this for a brand.


Achieving Customer Satisfaction For Brand

Customer Interaction

Customer Satisfaction Through Service

Achieving customer satisfaction for brand requires lots of effort on both sides i.e. Product and Services. The brand needs to be firm in providing a quality product and good customer services. Good customer services can be offered by:

  • Listen – Paying attention to its needs by appropriate response in conversation
  • Resolving Problems – Provide an appropriate solution to resolve problems. In case that’s not possible than taking other measures to explain them reasons
  • Throwing something extra – Going little ahead and providing something extra always helps in building relation like coupon, additional information on how to use the product, or a genuine smile


“A good selling skill helps to sell once, but good service to customer helps in retaining them, and creating rising graph in sales.”

Achieving customer satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction in Online Shopping

Online Shopping is a marvelous invention which allows people to buy things from the comfort of their zones. But it’s not always a world of roses for online sellers. Hence we analyze few of the problems which are faced in online shopping are:

  • Quality issues – Product quality is a major issue, with size, material quality, color, and touch of the product is not available to the customer
  • Delivery and logistics – when the order will be delivered is a query of every customer. Online sellers are faking the tracking system in delivery and logistics, which increases the problem.
  • Additional charges – Additional charges to take away the cost effectiveness of the online products as E-commerce portal levied high shipping and packing cost.
  • Warranty issues – Many electronic items are sold without the support of after sales service including warranty.

“A brand is judged by what they do, not what they say.”

Happy customers an asset to brand

Smiling customer

Effective Measures in Achieving Customer Satisfaction in Online Selling

Consistently delivering quality service is a key in an effective online selling. Furthermore, establishing a relationship between the seller and user is a more effective way, in a sense, there is a social interaction between the sellers and users. In achieving customer satisfaction for brand, Shopzoni provides a solution to these problems.

Shopzoni do’s following steps for effective online selling:

  1. It establishes direct interaction between the seller and user
  2. Direct interactions reduce the lags in product quality and description
  3. It creates loyalty of seller and user towards each other
  4. Sellers which are nearby are shown to reduce delivery time and confusion in delivery
  5. A nearby seller means an option of paying no or very less shipping charges, therefore, getting a product at their lowest price.
  6. Getting a positive feedback from consumer
Shopzoni Digital online shopping

Shopzoni Digital Store

Finally, we could say that winning customer needs an outstanding strategy which includes promptness, politeness professionalism and personalization.

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